EPA Technician 608 Certification - what do you need to know?

If you want to work as an HVAC technician, you must be certified under Section 608 of the Clean Air Act by the US Environmental Protection Agency.With this qualification, you may demonstrate that you are qualified to service, maintain, repair, or get rid of equipment with restricted refrigerants.In fact, improper usage and identification of refrigerants can cause harm to people as well as ruin or damage HVAC equipment.Additionally, it damages the ecosystem.To avoid severe harm to both people and the environment, it must be handled carefully and by a qualified specialist. 

If you are new to the industry and don’t know how to obtain EPA technician 608 certification, here is what you need to know.

Obtaining an EPA certification requires technicians to pass an EPA-approved test. There are different types of EPA certifications and depending on the type of appliance you want to work on, you can acquire the respective certification. However, to get started, you need to have a good understanding of refrigerants and their uses. There is no denying the fact that the refrigeration cycle is the holy grail of the HVAC industry. Comprehending the physics involved is what gives you an edge over other technicians in the field. Moreover, a technician s required to take the core test as a proctored exam to obtain Universal Certification.

According to the EPA regulations under Section 608 of the Clean Air Act, a technician is responsible to perform the following activities.
Connecting and disconnecting gauges and hoses to and from the equipment to check the pressure within the appliance.
Adding or removing refrigerant to or from an appliance.
Any other activity that involves violating motor vehicle air conditioner appliance’s integrity or small appliance.

Types of certifications
There are four tests designed by the EPA.
Type I - For servicing small appliances
Type II - for servicing or disposing of medium-, high-, or very high-pressure appliances
Type III - for servicing or disposing of low-pressure appliances
Universal - For servicing all types of appliances
If you are already working as a trainee and just want to take the EPA Technician 608 Certification Exams in NY, you can do so with the help of the technician you are training under.

However, if you are new to the industry, you will need to enroll in 16 Hour Training EPA Course in NY to prepare for the exams and pass them. EPA technician training course is just a 16-hour course and will prepare you for core, Type I, Type II, Type III, and Universal certification exams. Get enrolled today!


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